How to properly assemble the cal for analysis of parasites?

The analysis of the feces, the eggs end-to-end is most commonly prescribed for the identification of carriers of worms, with the goal of preventing the spread of parasitic infestation in groups to get in touch with the people.

It is mandatory to residential this analysis to the workers of the restoration and of other professions, which require care notes, is also required when it receives children in the pre-school's comprehensive institution, employment, hospitalization, the passage of sanatorium treatment, on a visit to the swimming pool.


In addition, the examination of stool in an egg-without-end can be assigned, including diagnostic measures in suspected intestinal helminthiasis. The reliability of the results of the laboratory studies, in large part, will depend on how it was mounted to the biological material. This article illuminated all matters relating to the delivery of stool examinations for the eggs of both children and adults.

For that you need analysis?

To deposit the analysis of the feces, the eggs end-to-end may not be treated in a formal way. The man whom he designated, it should be understood that the identification of the worm invasion is important in the first place, for that he himself. After all, the parasites will cause serious damage to the health of some of its species are able to penetrate in the liver, brain, heart and other organs.

The research of the laboratory of cala not always reveal the invasion, after all, in a small sample of biological material, yielded to analysis, eggs of helminths, it may not be. Parasites of eggs is not constant, therefore, in the feces are distributed in an unequal way.

In addition, the results can affect ignoring the rules of formation analysis, the wrong, the collection and storage of material.

Therefore, it is necessary to respect the rules of preparation for the toefl analysis, the collection and storage of the sample, and realize the need of re-delivery, if the analysis will show the lack of parasites.

What are the symptoms may indicate an infection by worms?

The symptom, exclusively to indicate the presence of intestinal worms is the itching and fleece in the back pass, especially tangible during the night. This is typical of enterobiasis – infestations pinworms. Infestation of other species of helminths is not so explicit and characteristic clinical picture, symptoms can be feelings, or also belongs to many other diseases.

Suspected helminthiasis can cause the following symptoms:

  • Decreased appetite up to complete her absence;
  • Flatulence and bowel;
  • The presence of blood and mucus in the feces;
  • The loss of mass of the body;
  • Frequent headaches, sleep disorders;
  • A constant feeling of loss of strength;
  • The paleness of the skin;
  • The weakening of the immune system, which is expressed in the susceptibility to frequent colds;
  • Gnashing of the teeth during sleep;
  • Skin problems.

When you are at least a few of these symptoms, you must pass a screening, including the detection of parasitic infestation.

How to prepare for the scan?

To increase the degree of reliability of the result of the stool analysis of egg end-to-end, is required prior to pick up to obey to certain rules.

It does not make sense to explore the feces on eggs of worms in the following cases:

  1. When the intake of anti-parasitic drugs and immediately after their course;
  2. After fluoroscopic research with the application of medicines barium;
  3. After the oil enemas.

In all of these cases, the probability of detection of eggs of helminths, approaches zero, and the results of the analysis can be revealing.

Also reduce the effectiveness of research can receive some powerful medicines. If they are not vital, then, to take them, you must stop for 3 days before collection of faeces for analysis.

If the patient passes a course of treatment, which can not be stopped, for example, the course of antibiotics, the change analysis of the feces, the eggs end-to-end it is better to postpone, until its completion, since the conditions of the new environment in the intestine and the multiplication of the worms is slowing down, and their eggs may not be detected.

Has an impact on the results of the research and the composition of the foods that people eat on the eve of the collection of biological material. Due to the use of products, contribute to higher gas and more loose intestine, the food mass rush to the bowel, and the likelihood of the content in calais, eggs of parasites reduced. Therefore, for 1-2 days before collection of feces for analysis on eggs of worms, it is recommended to exclude from the diet products that cause the rupture of the intestine.

For each person the set of these products is different, but in general, these include:

  • Fresh and sauerkraut;
  • Beet sweet;
  • Apricots, plums;
  • Prunes;
  • The grapes;
  • Khaki;
  • Kefir;
  • Cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin;
  • Pulses;
  • Watermelon, melon.

It is also not recommended to use products, coloring lime in featureless color – the frame already mentioned, beets, blackberries, cherries, black currant.

Adhering to these simple rules, you can significantly improve the probability of identifying worm infestations, and in a timely manner to start your treatment.

What are the rules for collection of feces for analysis?

If you have met all the rules in preparation to search fecal matter for the presence of eggs of parasites, above, then one can produce the withdrawal of a sample of material for analysis. Normally, at this time, raises many questions: how much you need the stool for analysis in an egg-without-end, what are the rules for the collection, it is possible to store the collected material and t. d. let's analyze in detail the answers to these questions.

The laboratories are not to be taken for the analysis of lime in the matchbox and other cardboard boxes, for the collection of the material can have a small glass container with a tight lid or buy in the drugstore special plastic container for collection of stool. This container is convenient, because it is with a shovel, for collecting the sample and tightly with a lid, do not skip smell.

Sterilize the pots, and even more – APtecou, there is no need. The bottle and the lid enough to clean food, soda and rinse thoroughly clean with hot water, and the container for collection of feces in the wash do not need.

If the collection is made in a container, then do your best disposable spoon. You can also use a cotton swab, several matches. Used for this purpose, and I learned of the street chips and npytuparaamu is not possible, because they may be eggs of parasites, which will lead to a distortion of the results of the analysis.

If you need atdMivatSya?

If during the collection of urine for examination, you must atdMivatSya, to prevent the biological material assignments and microflora present on the genitals, when the collection of feces for analysis of eggs end-to-end atdMivatSya is not recommended.

Some types of worms (pinworms) lay their eggs around the anus, also on the passage of the back could sit out the eggs of worms previous to the defecation.

During the passage of faecal matter that they can come in the first portion of the biological material, which increases the probability of detection of worm invasion.


How to collect feces for analysis?

Defecating is necessary to pot in a clean and dry vessel. It is not allowed to "unburrow" of a material from the water of the toilet. Also care should be taken not to contaminate the stool with urine, empty the bladder need in another place.

About a material produced from various places of the stool: from the cutting, from the mid-and late, with the surface and the depth. The stool sample for analysis should be approximately equal to the largest of a walnut.
Immediately after collection, containers must close securely, so that the material does not dry.

How can you call defecation?

Physiological processes that are not always amenable to the control of conscience, to force the bowel to emit waste products, the first requirement is almost impossible. The easiest way to collect the stool for analysis of eggs of worms for people who have the habit of emptying the bowel in the morning, after waking up, because the lab usually adopt the biological materials for analysis in the morning.

To stimulate bowel emptying we do not recommend the application of enemas, anal plugs, as this reduces the probability of obtaining a result of analysis of the egg-worm, which already is not very high.

Get the morning defecation natural way possible, by following the following guidelines:

  1. After waking up, drink a glass of fresh water;
  2. After 15 or 20 minutes, take the coffee the morning;
  3. If within 20 minutes after lunch, you do not want to go to the bathroom, make a self light massage the belly and exercises to increase bowel peristalsis.

Self abdominal massage is performed lying on your back. Lose belly, to produce and to the right, around the umbilicus of the spiral, the direction of movement – movement of the watch hands. The more convenient it is to do, tightening the fingers into a fist.

After the massage, do the following exercises to stimulate bowel emptying:

  • Standing on all fours, intягиinайte and rasslablate belly;
  • Lying on your back, knees, tighten the chin, and then return to starting position.

If all of these measures had no effect, this means that the material for the analysis will have to collect in advance.

But, before you move on to the next item of this article, and find out how much you can store calories from the eggs of the worm, remember, recommended the above method to improve bowel peristalsis. By applying it daily, you quickly get used to your body to regular havetрeннeмhave the emptying of the intestine, which, without doubt, will be very beneficial to your health.

As you can store the collected material?

Store the sample material for analysis for eggs, a worm has the container well closed, tied in a plastic bag in the refrigerator at a temperature of 6-10°. with the storage of calories, not пeрewithonхнet, eggs of worms, if they are present in the sample, not the pan change and will be available to the identify. The storage time should not exceed 8 to 12 hours.


How is performed the study of the material in the lab?

To determine the presence of eggs of worms in the stool, as well as of its species, apply the following techniques of laboratory research:

  1. Defender. In this method the material is shaken with water, to defend and drained of fluid faction. By doing this several times. Eggs and fragments of worms have a greater specific weight, so they always remain in the sediment. After нeondbutparaRAtbutй washing the material precipitate visible under the microscope for the presence of parasites.
  2. In elutriation. This method applied to the identification of fragments of the worms. From the provided in the analysis of the sample produce atлhaveжиdparahaveю dough, put it in a glass Petri dish and tweezers that remove the particles clear, to see them under the magnifying glass or microscope. Therefore, it is possible to identify fragments of worms and determine your view.
  3. Native of course. In this method under the microscope is operated only a drop of the emulsion obtained through the withdrawal of cala d water. This allows the detection of eggs of flukes and protozoan parasites. But when his small amount in the withdanbutм material, they can't just get in иwithwithлedhaveeмhaveю drop, resulting in negative the result of the analysis may be false.
  4. Thick of course. This method is more informative, and t. to. allows you to explore the largest amount of material, in comparison with other methods. The sample size of a pea is placed on a glass slide and nests the transparent plate moistened with the liquid. After an hour the sample acquires the necessary degree of transparency and microscopic. This method is considered to be the most progressive, its validity is about 85%.

The execution of the analysis of feces from egg-free-the end of any one of these method does not take much time, the result can be prepared during the day of put. The latency, usually, are associated with the congestion of laboratories.

Which can be the decoding of the result of the analysis?

Examination of feces on eggs of helminths can only show the presence or absence of parasites, reproduction in the intestinal tract: round and worms, worms. For the detection of other helmintíaseonin, for example, эхиbutparaonparaparaonза, applies to the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays blood (ELISA).

The eggs and fragments of intestinal worms in withdanbutм material is not detected, the result of the analysis in decipher will be negative. However, a negative result does not guarantee the absence of parasitic infestation.

If after you place the analysis of the feces, the egg-worm, the decryption contains a positive result in relation to any type of helminths (or more), then his existence is undeniable, and the patient is assigned to a treatment.

In addition to worm infestations, through the analysis of the stool may be diagnosed with the infection protozoan micro-organisms: Giardia, dysenteric amoebas, cyclosporine.

What to do when you identify helmintíasea?

If the examination of feces in an egg-without-purpose revealed the presence in the organism of any type of parasite, which in no case can give up the treatment. In addition, helminthiasis can become an obstacle to achieve the goal – the admission to employment or study, the device of the child in pre-school institution to obtain sanitary, portable, and t. d., it can cause a serious damage to the health.

Parasites human feed quality-of-life juices, choose the energy. In addition, because of them, decreases the immunity, which can lead to the development of more serious diseases.


Inadmissible also and self-medication. Antiparasitic tools present high toxicity. Even if the type of parasite known, the dosage of the drug effective against it, it must be installed only by a physician, with all the physical data and state of the patient. The treatment should be done under the supervision of a specialist, otherwise, complications may occur severe, caused by toxic action antигeльминttion of funds.

Also we should not forget that the eggs of worms are easily transmitted through objects of everyday life, in personal contacts. Therefore, when the detected parasitic infestation of man, requires the examination and, if necessary, the treatment for the rest of your family, including your pet.

As many times as you need for the exam?

Typically, the stool analysis of egg without end-give up at once when it arrives in pre-school and comprehensive institutions, at work, in the hospital, sanatorium, when help to use the pool, but also when it passes the dispensary care.